6 Day Bible Challenge

Can the bible be read in 6 days?
Can the bible be read in 6 days?

Spring 2024

Our director thinks she can read from Genesis’s “In the beginning” to Revelation’s “amen” IN SIX DAYS! We’ve turned this Challenge into a fundraiser for Bridgett & Friends Discipleship Program for Women.

Here’s how it works:

Starting now, our friends (that’s you) will sponsor bible verses for $1 each. The week of May 27, 2024, Bridgett will have 6 days to read every verse that has been sponsored. You can make this challenge seemly impossible by sponsoring all 31,102 verses in the KJV of the Bible. Only sponsored verses will be read on Facebook Live.

6-Day Bible Challenge Sponsor awards = Prize Drawing Entrance & Certificate
30 Verses Sponsored = 6 Month Bible Challenge Journal
100 Verses Sponsored = Sponsorship Plaque